In the final hours of the 2023 legislative session, Louisiana lawmakers prioritized young children and their parents by allocating $44 million in new funding to early care and education. This represents the largest state investment into the Child Care Assistance Program in over a decade.
With childcare often representing the largest portion of a family’s budget, and childcare breakdowns costing Louisiana businesses over $760 million every year, this truly represents an investment in children, families, and businesses. The Ready Louisiana Coalition applauds the legislators who voted for this measure, and in particular thanks Rep. Zee Zeringue, the author of HB 1, and the five other legislators who served on the bill’s conference committee for their leadership: Speaker Clay Schexnayder, Representative Jason Hughes, President Page Cortez, Senator Bodi White, and Senator Gregory Tarver.
“A child’s earliest years are the most crucial years, with 90% of brain development occurring before age four,” explains Dr. Libbie Sonnier, executive director of the Louisiana Policy Institute for Children. “This investment means more children are able to have high-quality early learning experiences in this period, setting them up for success in school and in life.”
“As the owner of a high-quality childcare center, I see firsthand the role that childcare plays in helping families get by and get ahead,” says Rochelle Wilcox, co-founder of For Providers By Providers. “This investment is going to help more parents access what they need, more children arrive at school kindergarten-ready, and more families live stable, empowered lives.”
“Accessible, affordable childcare is truly a business issue, which is why we have been so proud to be a part of the Ready Louisiana Coalition,” says Dr. Tim Magner, president of the Greater Shreveport Chamber of Commerce. “Our state’s economy loses $1.3 billion every year due to childcare breakdowns, and investing in young children yields a 12-18% return-on-investment. We commend legislators for their foresight on this issue.”
“Louisiana lawmakers heard their constituents loud and clear on this issue,” says Ashley Shelton, executive director of the Power Coalition. “Budgets reflect our priorities, what people in power actually value, and this investment is a step in the right direction. We will use all the tools available in a democracy to ensure that the people at the margins of the margins continue to be centered in the policies that impact them most.”
“The wave of support for early care and education only continues to grow in Louisiana,” adds Charmaine Caccioppi, United Way of Southeast Louisiana executive vice president and chief operating officer. “This new funding is the result of businesses, nonprofits, childcare providers, parents, and so many others uniting their voices to show legislators that investing in children must be our top priority. We are grateful for the $44 million and will continue to advocate until every young child can access quality early childhood education.”